Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Brainstorming, Random Thoughts and Links

Entertainment Industry
Music / Movie / Gaming

- How authentic can a product be if its advertised?
- Manipulation by audience user
- Live process and development becoming interesting for viewer and promotes the product
- Authenticity Vs Stealth advertising
- Adaptive Design (Consumer have become cynical of the products advertised to them and with adaptive designs the consumer has a creative role making the process personalized)

Process---Product---Advert(all become linked together)

* Advertising for traveling to a exact location ( Not a typical tourist location, with landmarks)
* The creation of thoughts and the self conscious
* Advertising movie trailers / Movies advertising products (gaining feedback for the audience before the movies are made with the trailers and redeveloping the movie concept according to the received feedback

- Metadata

Metadata is loosely defined as data about data. Though this definition is easy to remember, it is not very precise. The strength of this definition is in recognizing that metadata is data. As such, metadata can be stored and managed in a database, often called a registry or repository. However, it is impossible to identify metadata just by looking at it. We don't know when data is metadata or just data.

Metadata is a concept that applies mainly to electronically archived data and is used to describe the
definition, structure, administration of data files with all contents in context to ease the use of the captured and archived data for further use. Web pages often include metadata in the form of meta tags. Description and keywords meta tags are commonly used to describe the Web page's content. Most search engines use this data when adding pages to their search index.

- User Inclusive Design (Chris Anderson, 2009)
- Ubiquitous Design

- Authenticity of the entertainment industry?
- Brands Manipulation Techniques, concerns about how they are perceived and construct their own identities
- there is a disconnect between user, company and product (lack of interaction and intimacy)

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