Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Participatory Culture

So i have decide to research the Participatory Culture and the sub topics that surround this movement as this is a current trend that is happening all around us as consumers, but also as designers we must understand and be aware of this as a potential projective technique to further develop our concepts and ideas.

Participatory culture is a neologism in reference of, but opposite to a Consumer culture — in other words a culture in which private persons (the public) do not act as consumers only, but also as contributors or producers (prosumers). The term is most often applied to the production or creation of some type of published media. Recent advances in technologies (mostly personal computers and the Internet) have enabled private persons to create and publish such media, usually through the Internet. This new culture as it relates to the internet has been described as Web 2.0.

The relationship between Web 2.0 tools and participatory culture is more than just material, however. As the mindsets and skillsets of participatory practices have been increasingly taken up, people are increasingly likely to exploit new tools and technology in 2.0 ways. One example is the use of cellphone technology to engage "smart mobs" for political change worldwide. In countries where cellphone usage exceeds use of any other form of digital technology, passing information via mobile phone has helped bring about significant political and social change. Notable examples include the so-called "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine, the overthrow of Philippine President Joseph Estrada, and regular political protests worldwide

User Participation & Projective Techniques


interpretation of target group audience
- Uncover: hidden feelings, emotions, associations
- Tap into: fantasies, [day]dreams, emotions
- Articulate: thinking, visualising, impressions
- Enable: associative thinking and processes
Projective techniques is often used in ‘Motivation Research’


qualitative: helps to define peoples tastes, opninions, dislikes, preferences etc.
it supports interviews and focus-groups

1. use the set up of an interview/focusgroup
2. chose technique:
Projective Questioning
Role Playing
Expressive Techniques(drawing when communicating with children)
3. describe why you chose a certain technique
4. describe usage of technique
5. analyse and conclude
6. adjust design

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