Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Alternative Narrative

Initial Thoughts

-Social Communication Trends

-Web 3.0/Intelligent Web
Web 2.0 is about social networking and mass collaboration with the lines blurring between content, creator and user.
whereas web 3.0 is based on intelligent web applications using:
- Natural language processing
- Machine Based learning and reasoning
- Intelligent applications
The goal is to tailor online searching and request specifically to users preference and needs. Although the intelligent web sounds similar to artificial intelligence its not quite the same.

-New Marketing Techniues
-Dominant / Residual / Emergent
-Proximity or Target Audience

- Adaptive Design/ Open Source
- Unserviced/ Self Service
- Two way communication (Consumer - Producer)
- Avatar's / Second Life
- Tangible Personalization
- Organic Branding
- Emotionology
- Relationship of user and object
- Non Conventional Advertising

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