Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lecture Notes

Design Context

"Design is a goal-oriented process to solve problems, meet needs, improve situations, or create something new or useful..."
(Friedman 2005)

-Create awareness of a problem, issue or an opinion

- For users needs, problem solving, Developing own vision, independent thinking and to explore own signature

The focus of design research is qualitative

-Critical thinking
-Meanings, feelings and dreams
-Contextual research/design

Research Summary + Abstract

What/Why = Contextual Research = Background Argument

How = Studio Research + Design Studio

* What is the Communication issue and Context?

* Why is it important?

* Who is your audience?

* How will you accomplish this and what is your design direction

* What visual strategies will you use?
e.g Semiotics, Rhetoric , Aesthetic, Techniques and Phenomenology

Design as an agent in a system of meaning making communications
that are all ( Investigated, Discussed, Synthesized and Articulated) = Research Summary

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