Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Research Poster

Poster should contain:
1. Title
2. Introduction presenting your research question or central proposition
3. A short description of its significance, context and relevance
4. Overview of methodologies used in the design research investigation
5. Description of key design activities, original investigations,
experiments, technical achievements and reflections
6. Overview of the intended design solution
7. References
> Link address to PDF version on Stream
> Poster should be understandable in 10min.
> Only A1 format
> Portrait

Just two posters to get me thinking about composition and aesthetics

For my teams poster we are going to explain the participatory culture with a heavy emphasis on the entertainment industry e.g Music, Games and Movies. We decided to get active participation with the design aesthetic by getting facebook users to submit to us an image that they think best describes the entertainment industry. These images will be collected and transformed into a collage. This information was sent to facebook users online via a group invite, here is the description they received:

Major Project Assignment Thingy

Category:Entertainment & Arts - Online Media

Hey guys, for my design research paper i have been looking onto the participatory culture and user driven content online. One part of my assignment requires me to create a poster explaining this user interactivity and i would like to create a collage with your collaborative input.

I basically need an image(s) of your favorite aspect of the entertainment industry e.g movies, bands, music, technology, gaming etc. From there ill take your image and hopefully turn it into an amazing piece of informative design. So jump on google or your favorite image search engine, grab an image that you think represents your definition of entertainment and chuck the link onto this page.

Thanks for your time, you guys are the shizz!!!

So far there has been a positive response with many people joining the group but fewer to actively participate by posting a link or image. This maybe because they do not have an incentive to participate, in saying that some facebook users found the group by chance and found it interesting so they joined and began adding images themselves.

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